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Mood Disorder- Beat Mood Struggles with Positivity

Mood Disorder Beat Mood Struggles with Positivity

Life is ever-changing, many times, good events happen that excite us a lot. At the same time, some of the bad happenings change our mood.

Therefore, it is necessary to keep ourselves happy and let the things that occur at some times. Most people are unable to cope with such stuff, and it is something that is termed as a Mood disorder.

Similarly, a mood disorder is when someone’s feelings get messed up for a long time. They might feel anger inside, very sad, very happy, or really mad too often.

These feelings can make it hard for them to do normal things. People with mood disorders might need help to feel better, like talking to a doctor or therapist.

Thus, your way to feeling better starts now, and you’ll get better step by step by taking good assistance.

What is a Common Mood Disorder?

A common mood disorder that many people face is called “depression.” Moreover,  depression makes you feel really sad and lose interest in things you used to enjoy, and it can affect anyone.

However, the good news is that it’s treatable with therapy and sometimes medication. If you or someone you know is dealing with depression, it’s important to get help to feel better and improve your life.

How Common are Mood Disorders? 

Mood disorders are really common illnesses that affect lots of people each year. People say about 7 out of every 100 adults in America have a mood disorder every year.

In addition, feeling very sad or depressed is one of the most common mental health issues. It impacts about 7 of every 100 Americans each year.

Bipolar Disorder, where moods go up and down, affects almost 6 million adults in the United States. Girls are more likely than boys to get mood disorders.

Consequently, the statistics show these problems happen a whole lot but can be stopped or helped by most people.

What are the 5 Types of Mood Disorder?

There are five common types of mood disorders, which are mentioned below;

  • Feeling Very Sad
  • Feeling Very Up and Down
  • Always Feel a Bit Sad
  • Mood Swings
  • Seasonal Changes

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is when you get more depressed during certain times of the year, usually in the winter when there’s less sunlight.

For further details, please contact us without any hesitation, and we are available for you all the time.

Mood Disorder vs. Personality Disorder

Mood Disorders Personality Disorders
Involve extreme and fluctuating mood changes (e.g., depression, mania). Involve enduring, inflexible patterns of thinking, feeling, and behavior that are persistent across situations.
Mood symptoms are episodic in nature (can recur and remit). Traits are fixed and long-standing, developed early in adulthood.
Typical triggers include life events and seasons. Traits are within an individual’s character structure and persistently distort perception.
Responsive to therapy and medication during episodes. Traits can, to a lesser degree, respond to therapy but don’t usually fully remit.
Examples include major depression and bipolar disorder. Examples include borderline, antisocial, narcissistic, and schizotypal personality disorders.


Mood disorders are when a person’s feelings like sadness or extreme happiness become a big problem sometimes. These feelings can come and go. Moreover, personality disorders are when someone acts strangely or has difficulty most of the time. Both of these problems can make life hard, but mood problems can get better with help, while personality problems are usually harder to change. It’s important to talk to a doctor or therapist if you or someone you know is going through these issues to get the right help. In this regard, Zion Healthcare Services steps to provide you with the best mental health services for their valued customers.


What are the three types of mood disorders?

The three main types of mood disorders are;

  1.     Depression (major depressive disorder)
  2.     Bipolar disorder
  3.     Cyclothymic disorder

Is ADHD a mood disorder?

No, ADHD is not generally considered a mood disorder.

Difficulties with inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity characterize ADHD. It is classified as a neurodevelopmental disorder rather than a mood disorder.

What is the best medication for mood disorders?

The most commonly prescribed and effective medications for mood disorders are antidepressants. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) like fluoxetine and sertraline are often first-line treatments for conditions such as major depressive disorder and anxiety disorders.

How many people suffer from Mood Disorders?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 264 million people worldwide were estimated to be suffering from depression in 2020.

What is mood swing disorder?

Mood swing disorder causes frequent shifts in mood between feeling sad or low to feeling energetic or happy. These shifts happen often and can last from a few days to a few weeks at a time.

What is mood disorder in psychology?

A mood disorder is a mental health condition characterized by changes in mood that negatively impact daily functioning. Moods can swing between feeling depressed or elevated without control.

Is anxiety a mood disorder?

No, anxiety is not typically considered a mood disorder. While anxiety can influence mood, it is classified separately as an anxiety disorder due to its core features of excessive worry and feeling nervous/tense without provocation.

Which antidepressant is best for mood?

The choice of the best antidepressant for improving mood can vary from person to person.

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