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How Long Does It Take to Recover From Addiction?

How long does it take to recover from addiction

Alcohol and drug abuse can split families apart and turn loving and successful people into desperate, lonely shadows of their former selves.
Despite the devastating impact, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Anyone can reduce addiction with the help and supervision of a substance abuse treatment program.
To recover from the addiction and mental health, you can reach out to Zion Healthcare Services.

Addiction’s Impact on the Brain

Addiction alters a person’s biology, which is one of the most obvious signs of its severity.
Addiction alters the way the brain functions, just as cardiovascular diseases do to the heart. Scans show that addicts’ brains produce less activity.
This drop-in activity is most noticeable. This is the area of the brain responsible for decision-making and judgment.
Addiction’s effects on the brain account for some of this impact. Your brain releases dopamine whenever you do something pleasurable. This is usually a good thing, but drugs abuse the system.
This is why recovery from addiction takes time. It feels good to do, so people are reluctant to give it up.
As a result, they consume more of the drug to achieve the same high.
You may contact us to gain more information and support.

What Qualifies as an Addiction?

Drug and alcohol addictions are examples of addiction.
People who are addicted to a substance or behavior struggle to control their impulses.
They may continue to engage in the addiction, even if it causes severe problems for them.

What Are the Different Types of Addiction?

Addiction refers to any substance or behavior that is done compulsively and causes severe issues in a person’s life.
Addictions to the following substances and behaviors are possible.

  • Alcohol
  • Prescription medications like opioid painkillers, benzodiazepines, and stimulants
  • Marijuana
  • Heroin
  • Cocaine
  • Methamphetamine
  • Nicotine

Useful Resources:

What Are the Four Levels of Addiction?

Addiction takes a different amount of time to develop for each individual. Addiction can be classified into four levels:

  1. Experimentation: This is the first time someone has started using drugs. During this stage, a person may use drugs or alcohol on occasion, but there is no consistent pattern of use.

For example, on weekends, individuals may drink alcohol or smoke weed with friends.

  1. Regular use: During this stage, a person’s use is more consistent. They may begin to consume alcohol or drugs on a daily or weekend basis. At this point, use-related issues may emerge.
  2. Dependence: At this point, the brain and body become accustomed to drugs and alcohol and require them to function. Tolerance — the need for more substance to achieve its intended impact — and withdrawal is possible during this stage.
  3. Addiction: In the most severe stage, a person is both physically and psychologically dependent. They are unable to stop, even though drugs and alcohol are causing significant problems at this time. A person at this stage may believe that the drug controls them versus the other way around.

Concluding Thoughts

A small minority of people require six months of abstinence to avoid relapsing into their addictive behavior.
However, for most people, a two to five-year commitment is required to break the habit and establish change truly.


How long does it take for your dopamine levels to return to normal?

These factors may differ from person to person, but they generally refer to how long it takes to restore dopamine to normal and natural levels.
Usually, it takes about 90 days to notice an improvement in pleasure and dopamine levels.

How long is long-term recovery?

Long-term recovery has no specific timeline but it generally takes at least 5 years of sustained recovery efforts.

How long does it take to rewire your brain?

The time needed to heal the brain after addiction varies depending on several factors.
It includes the substances you use and the duration of your addiction. In general, the reconfiguration process can take as little as a month, but it is more likely to take several months, and in some cases, it can take much longer.

What is the fastest way to regain dopamine?

Engage in natural dopamine-boosting activities.
Dopamine levels can naturally increase through physical exercise, meditation, sunlight exposure, hobbies, and music listening.

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